I was on TK this morning on the African American board, where I spend most my life. One of my Knottie sisters, Cincy, posts a "Daily Gorgeous Wedding". Today's was bridal portraits edition! I'm not sure that I want to take bridal portraits, but it's something to think about. Especially when the photographer that took our engagement pix won't be our wedding photographer. Anywho.... I was looking at the beautiful bridal sessions that she posted, and I came across this:

Found here.}
All I could say was WHAT THE VEIL?! I mean... really, WHAT THE VEIL?!
LOL! I mean... I like it! It's... different, to say the least, but I'm hoping that that's not the wedding day veil. Even if it is, I'm sure she rocked it well!
I think I'll start doing more post like this in between my lack of personal wedding related stuff to talk about.
Wow...I agree, what the veil? I like it for the bridal shoot, but it is a bit much for a wedding unless everything was just crazy modern and over the top.